LiV# mY LiF# aNd lOv# My LiF#
LiFe jUsT OnCe
Saturday 25 February 2017
its been years! (i'm not telling story here)
so lets get down on it. i cant remember when was the last time i wrote the post, but i van confirm its been years. sincerely i am not good on recording (wiring) my own thoughts into some thing. even with my gadget lying around begging me to use them. i'm a mess in a video, my voice horrible when i taping (i am ancient coz using that sentence to show that i'm recording my own voice using a phone, is it still a valid word word nowadays?), and i am also a slow typist.
to make thing worse i am a shy person. why do i shy? well i guest i would never know. it just me (typical breakup reason), not you (hahaha… really?!).
so, why do i write then? well, for some reason my laziness and my shyness just lost their battle with my usually-weak-feels-to-write. so here we are.
i dont really had any idea to write on this post specifically. i just want to write to something on anything i would write. so i just streaming-typing as my mind go wondering searching for words to put in. i realize that i still has an 'unused' (this) blog to write to so why dont i write here.
my major drive to write now was coming from last week 'application test' at my office when some of my colleague told me that it has many grammar mistakes in the apps. i know that you'll be saying i cannot take critics, weak, so on, bla bla blaa… well, maybe you're right. i'm just too lazy to amend it bcoz it isn't my job to look after for grammar mistakes, i'm not good at it anyway.
The thing is they didn't point out where that mistakes is. for them, maybe they try to ask me to learn proper english. yes, i will be learning that but maybe later. i would like to finish my coding for the apps first. language for me is too deep to understand. some words can be interpreted as different meaning, especially when written in two or three word sentences. even in its structure, some follow UK version which has 'heavy' grammar, and other follow US version which is for me had more simplistic features into it.
i cant remember if i had told you before. but here, we growing up speaking mostly malay and we learn english in its standard form primary and secondary school and in college / university we'll deals with english in american way (mostly broken) and from that we continue using them coz everyone around us using them. some of them (rarely) use a perfect form of english and other, just mix and match, which ever words from various language we had in malaysia, and spit it out like we own it. even our mother-tongue wasn't pure. it has its mix too.
so for a little piece of #### like me who doesn't care to be a PR, to live beyond the border (i can't anyway), or be an English teacher for school, no, i dont care about learning more grammar,. as long as it doesn't change much over time, people will still can understand me.
i'm proud of myself that i can learn english this far, so why dont they just point out to me where should i make correction instead of leaving me with puzzle?
it kind of abrupt ending to the story but hey, i told you it wasn't a story, right? (see, i told you i'm a bad writer didn't i? if not, include it to my list too)
leave your comments below on your thought and if it worth for me to make a talking point, i may write again (whaaat? when do you seriously write? -shut up..)
see you next time!
—lazy writer—
Friday 15 August 2014
Wish WE Can Be Better
is it enough just sending prayer n money? then we watch them fight barehands by themselves against advance warhead n weaponary? condemn such attack while we arguing selfishly? and some give predictions what else going to happen — really?
how many thousands more people will die being shot while we taking selfie snapshots? maybe several of us making some thoughts… how we'll be if we're in that drought. Can we survive or not? some are being caught just because want to give help of what they sought…
can it be a country without humanity? what is a country without mercy? what is more confusing how can they become a country? without pity? or symphaty? they shouldn't have even a city… or even a party...
d4mn right if you make me angry… coz really, I'm not crazy… just thinking logically… I wish I could behave and functioned as normally… then you'll know who am I, REALLY!
Saturday 12 January 2013
How TrouBleSome!!! ep.1
So, here it goes...the story of a lifetime that troubled me the most!!!
Clock's ticking and I'm waiting for a phone call. It's May 24th,2011 morning and we; my friends and I, 5 in total; have planned a simple picnic at Tg. Balau but we didn't decide how to get there yet, whether by car or by bike. If it is decided, then only we can go.
I've went to Kota Tinggi for banking and buy some materials and after went back, I adjust some setting and cleanup my bike from the dirt of my last ride there, two days ago (22nd). I'm intended to stripe its colour from black-silver to black-candy red colour but with my short semester break, I thought it can be done when I get back to UTP. I don't have any class to attend as my final subject is only FYP. So, it could be done there.
After some sort of adjusting, wiping, spraying and wiping, it looks clean and seems smart, though :D. I check my phone, no messagge nor miss call are recorded. I turn my phone to my bike and snap some pictures. Awesome, I can upload it after the picnic, I guess. I put my bike under the hut while waiting for them to decide, have a nap inside my house.
My phone vibrating me alerting a message have just come in. Alas, we're going by bikes. Skipping this and that, we're there. Dark cloud just passing by, still can be seen from the land. It go towards the open sea. I couldn't see any person in the water at that time. Maybe because of the heavy rain that just pass by. I put my bike under the shelter provided, changed to shorties and walk into the water. Still no one other is there. I continue put my head in the water as I'm usually done before, its slowly raining lightly.
As I'm aware and going up for the land, a flash of lightning come out from the sky. My friends up there calling me to run faster, if it could harm me in any way. I'm saved, at least for now :p.
My eager to swim and play there are just can't be stopped as I'm eating the mee hoon while still waiting for the other visitors to get into the waters, without knowing something bad is going to happen.
Sky starts to clear and peoples are slowly filling in the beach. My friends also join them while I'm still eating...
How TrouBleSome!!!
(to be continue...)
Tuesday 11 December 2012
Caving Trip Gua Batu Maloi, N9
30 Nov- Kitorng b'tolak dr kmpus petang. Sebelum tu kitorang dibhgikan kpd 4 kmpulan n packing brg2 mknan utk survive dsane. Bas yg ktorang naik bertolak pd jam 1900 dn sume participant hnye mnghitung mase utk smpai ke sane. 4jam prjlanan dan kami smpai d Hutan Lipur Gua Batu Maloi, Negeri Sembilan. Lps kitorng settle down kt campsite, the next day brmule lah aktvt kitorang.
01Dis- Pagi lepas kitorang sarapan, ade skit game n sesi ice-breaking dgn sume participant n pgwai pengiring. Dh puas ktorang main, rehat n prepare utk lunch pulak. Bagi ahli kelab KAREN yg baru join termasuk aku, kitorang dberi tnjuk ajar care2 mmasang fly, ikatan n prkare2 yg prlu d ambil kire smse aktvt prkhemhan djlnkn oleh senior2 sekalian. Lps lunch ktorang mndi sungai n main water polo..
Tak lame lps tu hujan pun turun, xberape lebat tp dh ckup utk mbatalkan aktvt kami pd ptg itu. So, ktorng pun just lepak2 kt campsite, aku mase tu bru lps mkn, penat main bola n dh mandi.. so aku lelapkan mate smpai ke ptg..
Mlm tu plk lps dinner ktorng lepak, borak n mnyanyi. tp ktorng kne warn supaye tdo lbih awal sbb esok nk pegi caving.
02Dis- Jam 0900 kami b'kmpul n mlakukan stretching, warming up spye xder la cramp mse tgh jln nt. Guide yg akn bwk ktorng ke dlm gua ialah Abg Zain, bekerja d Jabatan Perhilitan n telah byk kali mbwa pljr2 U lain msuk ke dlm gua batu maloi tu.. Kire ni tmpat permainan dia la tu kan.. lps headcount setiap participant yg join caving, kami b'tolak apabile jam mnunjukkan 1000 tepat.
# Gua Batu Maloi ni sebnrnye adelah hnya tindihan batu2 sungai besar. Laluan sepanjang gua ini berair. Keadaan ddlm gua ni berbatu, licin n gelap. Terdpt 5 laluan yg berlainan, ade 24 checkpoint sume skali, 12 checkpoint utame dan kami dianggarkan akn brade dlm gua ni selame lebih kurang 2jam.
Fasa pertame dlm p'jlnan kami adlh mrentasi sungai cetek tp mpunyai air yg jernih. Fasa ke-2 apebile ktorng mule msuk gua n dkelilingi oleh batu2 besar. belum mnggunakan headlamp krne msih dterangi chaya matahari. Thp kesukaran utk mlepasi celah2 batu smakin bertmbah bile kami smakin jauh ke dlm gua tu, dtambah lg dgn mlwan arus air sungai yg dingin lg deras mngalir. Aku disapa lembut oleh 'penjaga' checkpoint 3 apbila dia merayap di belakang bdn tnpa aku sedari semasa hndak brenang. Pada mula nye aku igtkn tgn mmber aku yg merayap.. rupenye Katak~
Selain katak, penjaga gua ni terdiri drpd kelawar, ular n pacat. Kt sini gak lah 1st time aku kene gigit pacat. Spnjang pjlnan kaki aku kelua darah.. uh-oh!
Kami brenti di checkpoint 6 n kami dgr crite dr A'zain tntg sjrh Gua Batu Maloi ni. Batu yg brade kt dlm gua ni adelah dr jenis Batu Granit. Asal name gua ni diambil dr seorang pnduduk org asli yg brnme Maloi. Dimitos kn bhwe trdpt satu batu besar brbentuk tempayan yg dkate kn klau dpt dpecahkan batu tu mungkin terdpt emas d dlm nye. Mitos juga mngatekan bhwa Maloi ini tlh terjumpe dgn seorang puteri dn mereka ingin berkahwin tetapi tidak mendapat restu drpd ibubapa mereka. Dan atas nama Cinta mereka lari ke Thailand untuk berkahwin d sana. Ade batu yg mnunjukkan lukisan Maloi dan puteri d dlm gua tu.
Slps rehat d checkpoint 6, kami mneruskan pjlnan yg dberitahu oleh abg zain bhwa track yg akn kami lalui ini gelap n agak sukar utk dlepasi. Boleh dikatekan kami hnye brgntung pd headlamp sbagai sumber chye utk mnyuluh jln. Kami melalui celah2 batu yg sempit, licin, n terpkse mlakukan plbagai posisi badan semate2 nk mlepasi celah2 batu gua ni. Ade laluan yg dberi name sperti laluan ibu mengandung, komando menangis n biawak terlentang. Aku hmpir khilgn torchlight aku smse mlalui slh satu laluan tu, tp selamat mmber aku yg kt blkg jmpe.
Fasa terakhir pjlnan kami dlm gua ni semakin sukar bile terpkse mrempuh arus deras air yg sejuk, smpai ade dak laki yg tercabut selua kot.. memanjat di antara batu2 gua ni mmg expertise aku sbb aku suke klau bab2 memanjat ni. Ade gak lah sekali dua aku off-balance mse memanjat tu, dan yg mnnati aku kt bwh klau aku jatuh bkn nye rumput n tanah, tapi batu-batuan keras n air deras yg xpernah berhenti mngalir. tp Alhamdulillah, Allah masih beri peluang untuk aku hidup.
Checkpoint 16 adelah checkpoint terakhir kami n kami smpai d sane dlm jam 1330. Kami berhenti berehat seketika n sesi photoshoot berjalan. Pjlnan pulang kami ke campsite melalui jln hutan. And for that, its the end of our journey into the earth at Gua Batu Maloi.
See you at the next trip,, yosshhaa!!
#Team KAREN Gua Batu Maloi#
-Chaiyok-Achai-Apis-Dila-Rahimi-Abg Mok-Abg Sofie-Razman-Amir-PE-Ikin-PAcat-Anep-Abu-Kimi-Shima-lisa-AudrEy-Su-Yvonne-Shamimi-Maya-Maisura-Shaq-Balo-minyak-Kudin-Aiman-bob-EChah-mIdi-Miza-Syafiq-Zul-Nabil-Wan-Faris-
Tuesday 4 December 2012
Journey Into The Earth
I'm DarkPeace younger brother, who was asked by him to contribute to this blog. I was given a tasked to tell stories 'bout my trip to Gua Batu Maloi, Negeri 9. I'm new at blogging. Currently in progress to share on my caving experiences which I will click on the 'Publish' button once i've completed it. Correct me if i'm wrong n i'm ready to learn. Watch out for the adventure of ur lifetime as i take u to my journey into the earth at Gua Batu Maloi.. yoshhaa!!