Saturday, 27 November 2010

the friday solo night ride

slalu x korg g tmpt yg korg rs teringin sgt nk g without having prepare? last night, i just went to lumut for fun and dgn slambe je aku g without plan and it as "the friday solo night ride" since aku btolak dr utp "empty handed" n mlm tu mlm hri jumaat.

at 1st, aku nk klua isi minyak je sbb tgk minyak mcm "byk" lg kat "red level" tu, so aku pon cuba mnguji sejauh mne aku bleh g dgn minyak kat "red level" tu. sbnrnye mmg dh lame nk g lumut water front tu pon just cant hv d time. sementare free ni aku g la sane. it could be fun and adventurous though :D

btolak la aku dr utp lbih kurg 11 mlm dgn targeted destination is lumut water front tu. plan cam nk lepak sane lame2 sbb nk tunggu pg n bru isi minyak (fuel density are slightly higher at that time due to temperature drop). lps mncilok2 kat trafik light kat tmn mju dan melepasi traffic light uitm sri iskandar, bru aku prasan low beam aku dh out (terbakar rsnye). xpe, high beam ade lg. aku mneruskn perjalanan dgn cruising speed 40-50km/h. saje jln slow2 amik angin mlm lps ujan. bjln la aku sorg2 dtgh2 kgelapan mlm tkedek2 mggunakn high beam.

actual picture on ride

sesampainye aku di air tawar, sronok aku tgk lampu bwarna warni yg mnyinari pekan tu. mnikmati pndgn hmpir tgh mlm smbil mnyusuri jln dgn bhati2 tanpa mnyedari mslh yg akan dihadapi nnti.

pjalanan dteruskn mlewati pekan yg blom brp nk mmbangun tu. dhadapn adalah jln yg serba gelap kerna lampu jln xde, kwsn kampung sket. dsitu la tdetik aku nk tukr high beam ke low beam, ye la..mne la tau ttibe idop plak kan, xde la aku risau dh nk tukr bulb bru. aku switch lmpu low beam, still x idop, jln gelap. aku switch utk gne high beam smule dan....

lampu high beam aku pon dh x idop!!!! aku cbe switching bberape kali tp still xnyala n aku ride dlm kgelapan. rupenye plakuan aku utk mngurgkn kerisauan turn out to mnambahkn krisauan. however, aku ttap cool n mneruskn pjalann slow aku dgn sdikit krisauan.

kerisauan aku mule btambah smula ble terasa titis2 air ujan yg mule trun. aisey, ape la nasibku ini, inginku bpatah blik nmun i hv to try diz journey on my own. inginku mmecut utk mngelakkn kene ujan tp aku dtgh2 jln yg gelap, dgn restriction "red level fuel" aku tu, aku mmbatalkn niat tsebut utk mmastikn aku smpai ke destinasi, 4 d info aku tau ade 1 stesen minyak shell kat lumut tu n aku plan nk isi kat sne je time blik nnti - blik pg, isi minyak kat byk la sket.

stesen demi stesen ku lalui tp aku xsinggah sbb 1st-tkut sangkut dlm hujan, 2nd-tkut xsmpai lumut. hmpir 1 jam kmudian, bwak slow punye psl, bru aku smpai kat lumut water front tu. smpai2, aku tros mmatikn enjin sbb xnk mmbazir minyak.

rmai jugak org kat sane mlepaskn tension. ade yg mkn, mmancing, ketawa, mlepak n yg tgh gadoh kecil2an pon ade. aku call sseorg sbb die ade miss call aku 2 kali time aku nek moto td. lps die btanye khabar dan mnceritakn kperihalnnye, aku critekn kat die psl pjlnn aku td. bcerita smbil bgelak ketawa dan mnghirup udara segar mmg best. ke hulu ke hilir aku pegang tepon sorg2 kat water front tu smbil tgk gelagat manusia2 lain yg ade kat situ. die mnasihati utk segera isi minyak and blik sbb die tkut hujan lebat yg akan mnyusahkn pjlnn pulgku nnti.

bsetuju dgn cdgnnye, lps aku mngucapkn thanx n bubbye, tros aku kmbali ride pulg. perlu aku ulang smula mslh yg aku hadapi skang adelah: almost empty tank (bwah dr red level dh), lmpu dpn xde and possibility nk ujan lebat.

aku start enjin n mula mncari stesen minyak shell yg tdekat. adoiiiii, xtau plak aku stesen minyak cni ttup tgh2 mlm. aku pasrah kalo kene tolak moto mlm2 cri stesen minyak sterusnye. ade sign board petronas 4km d dpan. fuh...seb bek, aku troskn pjlnn dgn bhati2. skali petronas tu tletak kat d seberang psimpangn, jln yg x aku lalui. adesss, kene lg aku. mlalui true path (jln asal) nk blik, aku bnasib baik sbb ade stesen minyak esso 500m kat dpn. quick info: moto aku gne minyak shell as main fuel sponsor coz i hv great feeling when using it compared to d others. esso pon esso la, drpd aku mnolak tgh2 mlm kang, xpsl2 ade "pnumpang" plak. na'uzubillah....

after fulfilling d tank requirement, i still left with two major problem which are lmpu and ujan. 1 way to confront btembung dgn ujan lebat yg lame adelah bwak lju2 and bteduh kalo jumpe. since my tank is full, it can be done - no issue on that. ape yg jd mslh ialah limited distance sbb xde lampu dpn that almost nearing zero kalo xde support dr kenderaan lain atau pon lmpu2 bhampiran. what will i do? how can it be done?

1st, start ur engine. next, msuk gear sesuai dgn klajuan shingga mncapai klajuan yg diingini (as 4 me, 110-120km/h). then, cover the lamp on the meter panel to avoid unwanted light going through ur eyes and effecting ur judgment. use moonlight and whatever source of light at the front of the vehicle as ur main light source, avoid using signal light or twinkling light coz it'll disturb ur focus on the road (in my case, moonlight is out of d list). note here that ur main focus is to see as much as possible to avoid obstruction. other light source (street lamp, building, vehicles) act as ur supporting guide to locate where are u riding now. note all the reflection on the road, road line, estimated distance and road curve to "see" where is the road going. the most important thing is use ur wisest low-light judgement to avoid accident at that speed.

the other way is to cling with other vehicle that has the same speed until u reach ur destination.
aku gne 1st method which is more challenging and lg best :P

mse blik ni amik mse 1/2 jam je coz more 2 fold speed dr speed pegi td, aku slamat smpai kat utp 1.30am. lps solo ride tu aku amik gmbr

(: rider menghampiri moto kesayangan :)

(: moto kesayangan rider :)

p/s: seronok ride mlm2. anything can happen and we can learn from anything :D

teringat mmmber...

Korg mesti pnah teringatkn sseorg kan bile korg tnampak sesuatu mende or tdgr lgu yg diorg ske dgr, kan? tu la yg tjadi kat aku time kat aku hrini. tgh syok2 dgr lgu ttibe klua lgu “knangan terindah” yg mngingatkn aku pd seorg rakan sekerja ketika ktorg same2 intern kat kerteh dlu.

Die ske dgr lgu ni time bwak kete. i teach her how to drive manual cars and her car is manual. She actually can drive but not confident. So, i’m there just 2 make her drive confidently je. I like the way she deal with her colleague and friends. Mayb coz she is from different university and bring along different perspective, makes him stands out from the others (my other trainee colleagues are from engineering students and 2 out of 4 from them are from same U). she perform her job, i could say perfectly and not mixing up with her emotion. That is d most thing i like her.

I just lost contact with her after 2 month of internship ended. I wonder where are you now?