Thursday, 25 November 2010

perihal paper last tadi

last paper tadi adalah paper Plant Utility System, a bit late smpai kat meja exam...bru nk buka slip exam die dh sroh start jwb..fill in all the details on the answer script amik mse 6 minit...

buka question paper, start dgn 1st question ade 4 part-a,b,c,d. xtgk lg soklan2 blakang, tros wat calculation etc. for part a(i)..nk start calculate tu amik mse gak..coz nk familiarize dgn question paper and appendix yg dgunekn dlm calculation. utk a(ii) less time taken compared to a(i). then utk 1.b plg skejap. c & d skip sbb tanye theory - time taken about 45minutes.

next question no 2a (theory) - so skip jgak. jwb 2b. soklan same dgn aku wat jln kije answer dpt same...ok la tu...c blur - skip

soklan 3a. tgk mollier chart-mslhnye adelah nk estimate temperature - pressure crossing point..soklan die sng je pon..pastu 3b calculate actual steam flow gne table. gne interpolation, convert unit. 3c-types of steam turbine..smpat lukis and tulis nme tp xsmpat explain

soklan 4 a,b,c,d,e - power, steam flow rate, max flow by boiler, steam usage by processes, backup power- calculation success - time remaining 55 minutes

soklan 5a(i). H-T diagram of cooling tower- a bit rushing coz xske sgt wat graf, 5a(ii). modify graf-ubah line je pon...ok la kot... :P 5b.merkel eq..success... ttibe sroh hntr paper...xsmpat nk redo yg skip tu....cissss...

there's some thought mse nk hntr answer script tu - "i dont hv any idea what am i doing" come to my mind...dh tu, xsempat nk review pon...xpe la, pasrah je la...mse dh abes... =(

bgitu la perihal last paper aku td...klua dewan tros blik ngantok mnggamit diri akibat gelutan mlm


  1. tingat ms time2 jwb exm ms stil stud..mmg soaln tu y asyik dlm kpala..ape ak buat??ap ak jwb??hahahahha...pasrah je long as kite dh ikhtiar..doa byk2 eh..

  2. yup...dh wat kan...pasrah saje dgn ktentuan-Nya


Thank you!!!
Terima kasih :)