Sunday 10 May 2009

hair cut...big diff...MaYbE~

after some take-a-walk to ipoh this morning riding my LCy with Najmi for his Lagenda at MedGop bus statn...i take my photocopy which i left at tmn. maju around 3 b4 that and get my hair cut...erm... my 1st impression...yucks....not my style...

but then i ask leman n ab (osmet) how to groom my hair...then, my 2nd impression...hurm not too bad...but still not my style...but boley laaa...boss india tu cam dh lme knal aku plak...tanye mmber die yg kat johor la...dh mkn ke blom la...igtkn nk blanje ke ape td...tanye je rupenye... :D

anyone know me tgk la nnti my hair cut camne...doesn't know how to describe much bout it...picture? cam doesn't working...huhu... gak jln2 td...byk input dr najmi...tQ najmi...psl horn la...psl pihak bkuasa la...siap kene kutuk lg (the content of our conversation is classified)...g ipoh using the kg.bali old road..time blik jumpe mat moto nek superbike...try kejar dgn LCy tp kesian plak kat LCy ku yg menjerit perlahan...minta dkasihani...erm...xpe...better give special care to her than going faster than the superbike and then lose another money just to repair the boken LCy kan?

evening...another UTP tour...hurm...not bad la...whole UTP in 55 minutes including usha ikan n .... kat tasik...even 10 minutes late but i'm still satisfied...

study? ermm... doesn't know which lvl i'm now...average la kot...s but less comprehension...not much i can improve if it involve study matter...hurmmm....

still wondering if ..........


:::dats for today:::cheers:::

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